发布时间:2024年03月13日 12:31 来源:中国新闻网
2024年中国全国两会刚刚闭幕,针对两会热点话题,尼泊尔前总理、共产党(联社)资深领导人贾拉·纳特·卡纳尔(Jhala Nath Khanal)接受中新网专访时指出,中国走的是高质量发展之道,在人工智能等尖端技术上的突破,加上稳健的经济基础,都表明中国经济前景一片光明。他相信,中国将继续为推动世界经济发展,作出重大贡献。
"China is focusing on quality development, not speedy development,” said Jhala Nath Khanal, Nepal’s former Prime Minister and a senior leader of the CPN (Unified Socialist), in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently. Khanal believes that China’s quality, balanced economic growth, coupled with its breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies, bode well for its future development, which will have a worldwide impact.